Thursday, November 15, 2007

music album

Often times, analytical poems do not bode well with me. They sound beautiful, but the second I am told to brutally analyze the piece, the beauty is lost. However, I have come to acknowledge that poetry is found in song lyrics such as those on the album assigned to the class. This heightened my understanding for poetry analysis. I am slowly realizing that analyzing the poems, if done correctly, could offer a different meaning and insight into the poem.

Mr. Hughes’s choice of music generally sounds as if it comes from the same group of like artists. Their Beetles influence, for me, is impressive and gives the albums more of a classic hard edge devoted to the classics. Yet, the bands never fail to insert their own personality into their music.

Although its melody and beat resembles the classic bands, great consideration has to be taken to the words being sung in order to actually appreciate the poetry behind it all. Every song present in this album has lyrics that spout the speaker’s desperation and regret for lost love. The listener can feel his despair, and they cannot help but cheer for his hopeful happy ending. Yet, a happy ending does not come. Nonetheless this poetry is filled with emotion, which is tied with the emotions of its listeners. Poetry can be much stronger than any novel, if written correctly.
Poetry thrives on literary devices to add eloquence and meaning into the piece. Its ambiguity is never due to negligence, but is incorporated as a way to emphasize the poem’s purpose. When one has to think about the meaning of a poem, one will learn and appreciate it that much more. In these lyrics so many devices could be found. That is the beauty to poetry.

These men who are the speaker in most of these songs portray their desperation so well. The listener feels the love the men once had, and they feel sorry for its loss. By the end of the songs the listener cannot help but feel a sense of determination to make their relationship work, no matter its condition. The repetition was especially touching for me because it made the man more vulnerable, as if he is repenting his wrongs by doing a simple load of laundry, yet it is not enough. Vulnerability is not often found in a man, and yet every one of these speakers is filled with it, giving them a lot of character.

In return of listening to these songs, I have come to see poetry as a form of art rather than a droning off unmeaning piece of ambiguity meant only for looks. No, poetry strikes emotion and teaches the reader/ listener many things.

1 comment:

Rory said...


beautifully written. again, your insight and eloquence is staggering. glad you focused not not whether you "liked" the piece, but rather on its literary merit. if your ap response is 1/2 as well written as this you're gonna be just fine.

(if you liked it wilco has many more phenomenal albums...i'd suggest "yankee hotel foxtrot" next).

see you monday.
